FractInt for Windows comments

Fractint is a free program that will generate fractal drawings

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rating Daniel Porter
When I bought my first Windows PC (1994) this was one of the programs which helped make me comfortable with using a computer.
I have always had an interest in fractals and my first email address was a combinationword including the term. For a while I had it as a Gmail account but someone stole it and I now see the word cropping up in various places: Fractaleyes as far as I know I was the first.
Back to Fractint. A great program to generate some great visuals and get a feel for fractals and their diversity.
I'm back trying to find a version which runs on the infernal 10.

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MIDIWerks Consulting
The reason it does not run, it's a 16-bit program, and they do not run on modern 64-bit versions of Windows.

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